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Dear Blog-Friends, dear Fashion-Victims, dear World Travellers & Dog Owners!
The Austrian magazine ‚WIENERIN’ nominated me for the ‚Charity Woman of the Year Award‘and in order to win, I will need your help:
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I support Kenyan slum kids in Nairobi. They receive art classes, paint & draw, are given a warm lunch and in order to find their own way out of the slums we sell their pictures.  My foundation ‘SlumKinderKunst’ (www.slumkinderkunst.ator on Facebook under SlumKinderKunst) is selling their pictures and the earnings go right back to them.
But also about fashion I can tell you a thing or two: Before, I would have never dreamed of leaving the house without my Chanel-shades! In the slums of Bangalore I wore Dolce & Gabanna’s retro look, in Kerala I had to get my Cavalli jeans widened since those tasty Dhosas took residence on my hips...
My wardrobe still holds a couple of designer-items (thanks to CAT), mixed with cotton pants from Khadi, hand-woven Cotton to support the Indian freedom movement (do you remember Ghandi?!), dresses made of African cloth, silver jewellery from the orient. My collection of sun glasses consists of a range from Rayban to Fendi, although the later are a fake from Thailand, so on my next visit to the slums the pictures I take for people back home don’t show the dust & tears!
Please help me support the Slum Kids and vote for me on: 
A cordial thank you!


posted by CAT ANGELINA | 18:13 | fashioncoach

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Vacation in nice Nice 

Every cat should have a dog :o) 


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