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When Angels travel - from Milano to Vienna
Guys, here you can see my new buys in action which is prove that I actually wear everything I buy ;o)
Bag, coat, green sweater all by Valentino, T-shirt: H&M, jeans: 7All Mankind, shoes: Louboutin
 Nailpolish: Chanel No 215 Red Dream
Contents of my travel bag:
by Cartier
My new cell -> looks very cute with its Swarovskis but takes time to get used to!!!
Always with me when I fly: my pink Sony music stick, passport, lipstick & smokes
My housekeys for Vienna :o)
A glass of prosecco @ the Gucci Cafe (no kidding!!!) in the center of Milano and off I am to the airport flying back HOME :o)))

posted by CAT ANGELINA | 19:34 | fashioncoach

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