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Dressing for occasions when unsure about the dress code
This is not as difficult a task as you might fear. It helps if your wardrobe consists of well stocked basics that can be combined and an array of accessories.
Let’s say you have a job interview coming up … a situation that makes all of us a bit nervous, even my palms are getting ever so slightly moister while typing this.
 To get started fire up your computer and Google/Facebook your prospective new bread donor. Most companies have staff pages where you can get a feel for what all the others are sporting. In case said firm deals with clients have a girlfriend pose as one and spy on the situation first hand.
To take away some of the nervousness you need to keep busy the day before so there’s no time to get work up – ergo it comes in handy to think about what you’re gonna wear. Prepare a couple of options and on the big day go with your gut feeling, be your charming self and nothing can go wrong :o)
Here are a few ideas to keep in mind:
  • Most importantly wear something you’re comfortable in!!! You want to be able to breathe normally and not have the waistband pinch to remind you throughout the interview that you really shouldn’t have had this delicious second slice of cream cake.
  • You want to look effortlessly competent but not overly made up – after all there are lots of job offers you’re already considering (keep this in mind even if it’s the first interview you’ve been invited to AND it’s the company needs you as much as you need it!), so there is no need to rush to the hairdresser and get an up-do done! Give the feel that you already blend in for example: if you want to work at a doctor’s office – no need for a lab coat yet, but dress in a light color, for a corporate position sport a pant suit, etc.
  •  Wear your hair freshly washed the way you always do – this is not the time for grand experiments!
If you’re invited to a function where you absolutely no idea of the dress code and even through extensive research using up all the 007-tricks you have up your sleeve, you can’t get your hand on further information, I suggest you wear a fairly classic outfit in a ‘non-color’ and accessorize it. For example a shift-dress, well cut pants and a simple top, etc. will blend in nicely. Always wear nice shoes with matching purse! A scarf can come in handy because it provides many options to completely change the whole feel of your outfit within no time. Tied in the typical triangular way it looks very classic, loosely wrapped front to back it gives an Indian feel, draped around hip/waist it looks way more casual AND can hide previously mentioned extra slice of cake you just enjoyed, tied to your purse it looks bohemian ;o) Keep your makeup classic as well: mascara, eyeliner and lipstick will do nicely. If you feel your look doesn’t fit the occasion after all you can always make a quick dash to the ladies and re-adjust said scarf and lipstick(color) – et voila, within 1,5 minutes you exit the venue  a new styled you!
If you have any personal questions please write to me via the request page :o)

posted by CAT ANGELINA | 8:40 | fashioncoach

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